Fostering Saves Lives
Fostering Saves Lives
Foster families are the heart of our organization - those who open their home to a dog in need. OSSD dogs join our rescue through warm, comfortable homes where they thrive with attention and love. Our foster families work to socialize and interact with the dogs in order to learn their strengths and understand their challenges. We provide veterinary care, food, and supplies such as crates, bowls, and toys. Our fosters are matched with a personal point of contact to answer any questions along the way. We understand that fostering is a commitment, one that can last from an overnight stay to a few weeks so we are extremely selective in the homes we choose. If you would like to be considered as a foster parent, please complete and submit the Foster Application below. If you would like additional information, please complete and submit the request for information form.
Foster Application
Foster Application
I understand a OSSD representative may visit my home for a home inspection before my foster application is approved.
I understand that if I am approved for fostering, I will also need to carefully read the “Foster Care Agreement,” which is a separate document from this “Foster Care Application.” The Foster Care Agreement represents the legal contract between a foster caregiver and OSSD. I understand that if I am approved to foster an animal, I must review the Foster Care Agreement before I can take my foster animal home. I further understand that I will
be asked to agree to the terms of the Agreement and sign the Agreement before I can take my foster animal home. • I have read this Application in its entirety, and I agree that all statements contained in this document are made by me, and are truthful.
Contact Us if you are interested in being a foster parent but need more information!
Contact Us if you are interested in being a foster parent but need more information!
Foster parents are the heart of our rescue. If you are interested in fostering, please send us a message but would like additional information!